Safe sleep areas for babies Reduce your baby's risk for SIDS and other sleep-related causes of infant death by following these safe sleep environment guidelines. YES PLACE BABY | N ON BACK SLEEP CLOTHING OR PILLOws STUFFED ANIMALS BUMPER PADS ONE PIECE SLEEPER FITTER SHEET FIRM SLEEP DO NOT: . SMOKE AROUND BABY MATTRESS PUT BABY'S SLEEP AREA IN SAME ROOM AS PARENTS UNTIL AGE 1 SLEEP WITH BABY IN THE BED OR For more information on providing a sate sleep environment for your baby cal Inyo County HHS Public Health ON THE COUCH Office at 760-873-7868 Bought to you by Inyo County Department of Health and Human Services Funded by Calidomia Department of Public Health, Mabernal,Child and Adolescent Heaith Division